The Infinite Vessel

During the summer of 2020 - as part of his thesis work for the Dutch Art Institute in Arnhem, Netherlands - my friend and artist Giorgos Gripeos posed a series of beautiful questions:

How do we navigate this restless and uncertain territory we find ourselves in? What kind of vessel would we need to build and how? Is there a blueprint or a universal instruction manual we can rely on?

This is my response:

Imagining The Infinite Vessel
Joshua-Michele Ross

Every art project is a meditation. It forces deep focus on a narrow subject and thus the process is littered with epiphanies. This is art’s reward. My epiphany - gained through making this piece is this; music itself is a special kind of vessel - one without beginning or end, without clear borders, boundaries, or walls, one that doesn't distinguish or separate inside from outside. Music is fundamentally inclusive. It is an infinite vessel with room enough for everyone.

The piece is composed from the same building blocks that I am using for my ongoing participatory work, The Adjacent Possible.
