
As the light of each new day rolls across the face of the planet all manner of birds, animals, and insects greet the return of the sun. This is known as the dawn chorus. 

On the 2024 autumnal equinox sound artist Joshua-Michele Ross simultaneously recorded the dawn chorus at eight locations around the Headlands Center for the Arts and at eight locations surrounding the art environment of Pasaquan in Georgia. These 16 recordings - across two distinct ecosystems - represent the natural world during a fragile moment of balance between light and darkness, hope and despair, renewal and disappearance. 

The Quieting World calls us to experience the power of listening to the more-than-human world. It invites visitors to slow down and reckon with two seemingly conflicting messages in the soundscape; the natural world is growing quieter as it is displaced by modernity, yet each morning still affords a moment of beauty, joy, and communion if we quiet ourselves to listen to the dawn of a new day. 

Upcoming installation dates:

Headlands Center for the Arts - California

Installation: March 2nd through March 29th

This is a self-guided experience open to the public Sunday to Thursday from noon to 5PM. I will be present every Sunday and open to visits and hang outs in the beautiful mess-hall. Let me know if you plan to come!

Activations and performances: March 23 3PM-6PM Free / 6:30PM ticketed dinner

Pasaquan - Georgia

April 25th - special levitation ceremony - more details soon